Who is eligible for a free license?
Users who are working remotely from home because of their company’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak are eligible for a free license. For more, please refer to our Free WFH (Work-From-Home) License EULA
How do I sign up?
Simply fill out the form on top of this page and a download link will be emailed to you. No credit cards, contracts, or any other kind of obligations are necessary.
Is the free license a permanent license?
The free license is not a permanent license. It can be used until June 30, 2020. However, depending on how the COVID-19 situation unfolds, the deadline may be extended.
What is the difference between this free license and NetSarang’s free for home/school license?
Our free for home/school licenses are meant for personal/educational use only, has certain limitations (tab limits), and is available for Xshell and Xftp only. On the other hand, this free license in response to COVID-19 is meant for employees and commercial use, does not contain any limitations, and is available for Xshell, Xftp, and Xmanager.